O Heavenly Father, O God of Beauty, of Love, I give You, my heart.
I surrender unto You, my life. I abandon to You, my soul. Pour forth Your Divine Spirit of Mercy and shed Your love on me by creating Your beauty in me.
Master of Mercy, have mercy on me, a poor sinner.
Allow me to sing hymns of praise with the Cherubim and Seraphim of Angels in Your Kingdom of everlasting beauty, everlasting peace.
Do not deny me Your Mercy, for I give You my heart this day. Unite my heart to Yours and protect me in Your cloak of purity. Today is a new beginning in which I have mercy on myself and others! Be Merciful O God. Grant me the favor of your everlasting peace.
Have mercy on me this day and for eternity.
Amen. Amen
To any and all of My children in need of Divine Assistance from Me, with this prayer, I shall not deny any request, for it is My Divine Mercy and Compassion which shall save! (April 2, 1989 from the Lessons from Our Lord “I am your JESUS of MERCY Volume I”)